Berlin Airlift

Annotated Links

The following are links to sites for additional research or interest:

Harry S Truman Library and Museum

The library and museum offers a collection of more than 126 documents and images that focus on the Berlin Airlift and address the period 1948-1952.

German Historical Institute

The institute has a rich archival of digital source materialthat includes documents, images, and maps of the period 1945-1961.

Berlin Airlift Veteran's Association

This is a popular history site dedicated to the memory of those who served. It contains a collection of images, biographies, poetry, and other memorabilia.

British Berlin Airlift Association

A popular history site dedicated to Britons who served during the Airlift. It contains a collection of images, a newsletter, and an events listing.

Spirit of Freedom

A popular history site created and dedicated to preserving the memory of those who served during the Berlin Airlift. The collection includes images and text, and features a listing of those servicemen who died with digitized images.

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